Teacherscape Online Inservice @ OWL Teacher Center
The OWL Teacher Center is offering a new opportunity for teachers whose districts have adopted the Danielson Rubric for their APPR.
Teachscape is a comprehensive video-rich online environment designed to closely integrate professional development with observation and review practices. The Teachscape platform supports the growth and development of every educator by focusing on definition of great teaching and suggestions for practical application of best practices. Teachscape builds educators’ skills and confidence by providing a clear and targeted learning roadmap resulting in more effective instructional practices and greater student outcomes.
The Framework for Teaching Effectiveness Series (2011) includes an orientation and the following modules:
- Understanding the Framework for Teaching
- Applying the Framework for Teaching
- Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy
- Demonstrating Knowledge of Students
- Setting Instructional Outcomes
- Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources
- Designing Coherent Instruction
- Designing Student Assessments
- Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport
- Establishing a Culture for Learning
- Managing Classroom Procedures
- Managing Student Behavior
- Communicating with Students
- Using Questioning/Prompts and Discussion Techniques
- Engaging Students in Learning
- Using Assessment in Instruction
- Reflecting on Teaching
- Maintaining Accurate Records
- Communicating with Families
- Participating in the Professional Community
The OWL Teacher Center is now able to secure a license for any teacher who would like to take this online training in the Danielson Rubric (2011). The license will provide access to the site for a period of one year. The cost for this training is $35. At the end of the training, those teachers who complete 15 hours of study will receive one inservice credit from the OWL Teacher Center. Teachers who complete fewer than 15 hours will receive a certificate of participation for the number of hours they logged in.
(This is NOT the same exact training as was provided to Lindenhurst teachers last year. This is on a new and improved platform.)
To register for The Framework for Teaching Effectiveness Series, print and fill out the following form.