NYS Teacher Center Online Academy (OLA)
October 16 – December 4, 2014
Close Reading, One Sentence at a Time
Instructor: George Lohmann Grade level: 5-12
By focusing on the microcosm of a single exceptionally written sentence (or pair of sentences), i.e., the adage, students can explore the vast majority of rhetorical tools used by most writers of the English language. This course will provide strategies to be used in ALL content areas that will aid your students in understanding the use of rhetorical strategies that aid the writers in conveying meaning. You will create two ten to twenty minute lessons using this strategy.
Digital Resources to Complement Learning Styles
Instructor: Denise Lewis Grade level: K-12
The primary goal of this course is to acquaint educators with 21st century tools to differentiate instruction for diverse learners. Participants will be able to customize and upgrade lesson plans with digital tools and web-based resources that will address the unique needs of students. Digital Resources to Complement Learning Styles will provide teachers with the knowledge and skills to connect students with standards-based curriculum through easy to use Web tools.
Using Google Tools for Collaboration, Enrichment and Differentiation of Instruction
Instructor: Dorit Eilon Grade level: K-12
This fun and engaging course, offered by a Google Certified Educator, is designed to provide information and examples of various Google tools available to enhance the learning experiences of different learners. Participants will explore Google Earth, Google Docs (collaborative presentations, spreadsheets, documents and forms) Google Apps and Google SketchUp. Examples of how these tools can be integrated with different subject areas that are aligned to national and NYS standards will be shared. To complete this course, participants will create online collaborative materials, a mini project, and develop a plan to implement Google tools into their curriculum to promote learning in a 21st century environment. Participation in discussions, sharing of ideas and feedback is important and promotes professional growth.
Notes: All courses require internet access and a comfort level with email, Microsoft Word and uploading documents. Some require knowledge of other technologies or programs. Participants are expected to log in and work with the class site at least 3 times each week. Scholarships may be provided through your local NYS Teacher Center. Please secure approval from your home district, if needed, in advance. Syllabi, Road Maps and Course Policies can be found on the NYSTC OLA website http://eeznt3.nyiteez.org/olacatalog/ along with the Standards for Online Learning, FAQ’s, and other useful information. No refunds will be issued after the start of the OLA courses.
NYSTC OLA is administered by Rockland Teachers’ Center, 65 Chapel Street, Garnerville, NY 10923.
Questions? Contact Rockland Teachers’ Center: dstudnitzer@rockteach.org / 845-553-9516