Long Beach Teacher Center Inc

News/ Updates

The latest news from the Teacher Center as well as outside professional development opportunities.

Conference Opportunity: Common Core Standards in ELA/Literacy

Common Core Standards in ELA/Literacy: A Collaborative Path to a New Vision for Learning 


ELT is partnering with New York State Council of School Superintendents and the School Administrators’ Association of New York State, with special support by Career and Technical Education Center of New York State, to offer three one-day Institutes designed to help educators and administrators make the connection between Common Core and current reform and strengthen district-wide implementation of the Common Core Standards in ELA & Literacy while boosting student achievement. These regional conferences will be held at the Melville Marriott, Long Island, October 2; the Holiday Inn, Albany, October 3; and the Radisson, Rochester, October 4 from 8:00AM – 4:00PM. 

Dr. Sandra Alberti, from Student Achievement Partners, will deliver the keynote address, and the four breakout sessions offered in the morning will be repeated in the afternoon. The Institutes will conclude with a panel made up of the presenters. Districts are encouraged to attend with a team including superintendent, assistant superintendent, principals, and teachers. The cost is $175 per person; $150 per person for teams of 3 or more. For more information, visit http://www.nysut.org/news/2013/may/common-core-one-day-institutes or contact NYSUT ELT at 800-528-6208