Conference Opportunity: August 14 – 15, 2013
Get practical applications for implementing the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in a 2-day Discovery Education Common Core Academy August 14 – 15, 2013 334 Rte 9W, Palisades, NY 10976
What are the core components of the CCSS and how do they impact me?Educators across America are grappling with what the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) mean for their instruction and have key questions around successful implementation:
» How do I integrate the CCSS most effectively into my curriculum an instruction?
» How do I create assessments that align to the CCSS?
» How do I plan for the successful implementation of the CCSS in my classroom? My school? My district?
As a trusted educational partner, Discovery Education has worked with thousands of educational leaders to transform teaching and learning. We understand that successful implementation requires a focus on fundamentals: curriculum, instruction, assessment, and leadership.
Educators are invited to join their peers for Common Core Academies that are:
Research-based: Our professional development integrates proven curriculum, instruction, and assessment practices from expert practitioners and thought leaders
Personalized: Each Academy addresses educator- identified needs related to the transition to more rigorous standards
Actionable: We provide classroom applications that support long-term action planning with strategies for immediate classroom integration
All attendees will receive a free 60-day trial to Discovery Education Streaming Plus. Register today.